For many marriages, there comes a time when dissolving the union is necessary. The best decision remains that both individuals head their separate ways. Most people going through divorce are new to the experience and worry about the outcome. It is common to harbor...
Legal Lightning
How to inform children you are getting a divorce
Getting a divorce is usually painful for both parties. For the children of divorcing parents, it can be downright traumatic. There are methodologies couples can use that decrease the negative impact. Besides using these tactics, find a divorce representative who can...
3 tips for your divorce case
Divorce is exceedingly common in Arizona and across the country. In fact, in 2019 alone, almost a million couples decided to end their marriages. While you probably know at least one person who has gone through a divorce, calling it quits may be new to you. Because...
How is property divided in Arizona divorce?
Arizona is one of nine community property states, which refers to the equal division of community or marital property in a divorce. The property division phase of any divorce can seem overwhelming, especially for couples with significant assets. Planning ahead will...